Get the strategies you need to help you complete each phase of reaching your primary objectives as you continue to hold fast to the missions that matter to you the most. AMASE Consulting, LLC provides services to any entity planning a nonprofit start-up in Texas.
Meet the Team
AMASE Consulting, LLC was first started in 2016 by certified nonprofit consultant Rashida Francis, M.Ed. Since we started, we have offered nonprofit startup assistance to more than a hundred companies and have secured more than $20 million in client grant funding. We also trained and coached nonprofit leaders in several regions including Florida, Georgia, Texas, New York and Massachusetts, and Michigan and Missouri. Our nonprofit consulting firm also assists people in the US and British Virgin Islands and South Africa.
We pride ourselves on a 100% customer satisfaction rating.
We work with organizations that have a mission to raise awareness of economic and health disparities, improve living conditions and provide economic stability in the communities that they serve. We look for team members who:
Want to serve as a positive change agent within the nonprofit, small business, and government sectors.
Will exceed client expectations, by completing deliverables within determined timelines.
Obtain a satisfactory performance rating on 100% of all customer satisfaction evaluations.
Sounds like you? Send your resume and cover letter to info@amaseconsulting.com.